The cost-conscience businessmen and women of the world put themselves through the ringer when it comes to the age-old question of buying versus producing your own products.
A good prototype and production service can send profits through the roof and set off joyous celebrations around the company coffee pot, while a poor service can leave you looking for cover at the quarterly results meeting.
So, do you take control and produce the individual parts on your own, or do you dig deeper for the best service provider?

Cost is important but . . .
The aforementioned search for service might lead you on a global jaunt to Europe or the Far East only to come up with a skilled provider of top-notch machining technology who can’t communicate, or a friendly supplier who can’t deliver the precision you need.
Maybe all of the companies you contact can deliver the high-end service you need, and what you need now is a differentiator. What you’ll likely hear from OEMs, design and engineering firms like yours is that service makes the difference.
What matters?
Keeping costs affordable and delivering on the agreed cycle time will all play into your decision right away. Plus, prototype and production services separate themselves by making good, exceptional and flexible offerings. They can also assist in the design phase, deliver on short runs and respond to requests with tight-turnaround requirements.
Delivering quality, meeting deadlines, assisting from design to production and maintaining open communication all sounds like a relationship. A reliable relationship that lasts over an extended period of time works for both vendors and customers. Therefore, you’ve found your differentiator.
Producing your own parts gives you ultimate control over your products, but it also presents barriers and expenses that could be too much for your company to absorb. A provider that can truly become a partner will be a valuable asset to your company. Let Product Development Solutions show you how this can come to be by contacting us today for a fast quote.