Without question, the United States is the world leader when it comes to manufacturing military equipment. This industry soaks up more than $230 billion in sales every year with highly technical, complex products at the forefront.
If you’re looking for a way to utilize some of these numbers for your own operation, take a look at the top five manufacturers in the defense industry and see how your component might fit.

Top 5 military equipment manufacturers
Lockheed Martin – Lockheed leads the production of the F-35 joint strike fighter, which is easily one of the largest aircraft programs in the world. They have long been the top producer of military equipment with sales in excess of $35 billion.
Boeing – You can probably guess what this company makes for the military. Boeing stands behind the production of the Apache helicopter, the A160T Hummingbird, the F/A 18 Hornet fighter jet and more. Boeing employs more than 160,000 people and brings in more than $30 billion in sales from military aircraft.
Northrup Grumann – Northrup Grumann specializes in the production of drones and cyber security as part of a portfolio that supports the Department of Homeland Security. They also make detection systems that identify potential threats coming from chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive sources.
General Dynamics – General Dynamics produces the Abrams Battle tank in addition to ships, munitions and military communication systems. They have also been working on nuclear-powered attack submarines for the U.S. Navy.
Raytheon – This well-known manufacturer brings home its lucrative share in the market with its expertise in missiles and missile defense systems. In addition to manufacturing the famed Patriot Missile Defense System, they also serve other federal agencies, such as NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration.
As big and powerful as these military equipment manufacturers may be, they don’t do everything themselves, and they constantly look for innovations to improve complex systems. If you have a product that’s not quite ready for prime time, contact the experts at PDS for a fast quote on your next project. We can help.