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A good-looking end product is worthless if it doesn’t work or stand up to the demands of your customer. If your company is constantly rebuilding
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A good-looking end product is worthless if it doesn’t work or stand up to the demands of your customer. If your company is constantly rebuilding
You have a strong design for your part, a clear vision of what it’s supposed to do and the customer seems happy. All is well,
RIM (Reaction Injection Molding) and urethane casting both offer freedom when it comes to design — both can be efficient production methods and both are
Oftentimes, a frustrating (and sometimes expensive) issue arises when a part designer does not take the time to factor in shrinkage for a cast urethane
Lead designers looking to create a functional, durable and attractive prototype for customers generally start with five variables in mind — appearance, materials, precision, elastomers